version 2.6.5

Wing Commander IV: Circe System

Circe 1

Circe V, Circe system.
Fierce Ground Battle…
The BWS Intrepid jumps into the Circe system.
Galley, BWS Intrepid.
Dekker: I never met a fly-boy who could hump a 60-kilo war-pack across 30 klicks of double-gravity terrain. You guys are soft where it counts.
Maniac: Oh, we’re soft? Let me tell you about soft. I took a marine on a little joy-ride once. I jammed the ’stick, took the skyscraper climb – huh – cut the juice, re-ignited halfway through our fall, I flipped into a bank-and-roll, a little 360 – I was just warming up. I look in the back – the grunt has tossed his breakfast, passed out. Just from taking a quarter-G to five Gs. The rejects of Space Academy? They make marines.
Dekker: What a crock! You go for the cockpit because you can’t cut it up-close and personal.
Maniac: Up-close and personal, I hear marines have no staying power.
Dekker: Marines go all night long and then some.
Maniac: Not with their sabres extended.
Dekker: I’ll show you some staying power.
Maniac: You want a piece of me?
Dekker: I’ll kick your butt.
Maniac: Come on!
[This I gotta see…]
Maniac: All right, all right, all right! Thanks for backing me up, Colonel.
Maverick: What are you talking about? You brought it on yourself.
Maniac: I thought fighter jocks were supposed to stick together. I, for one, stand behind my uniform.
Maverick: Yeah, when you’re not disgracing it.
Maniac: See what kind of back-up you get next time I fly with you.
[Maniac’s gonna get creamed.]
Maverick: Hey. Hey, hey, hey! Look! That first punch is going to buy you a trip to the brig, mister.
Dekker: I am sick of this guy running off at the mouth. You need a dose of Dekker medicine.
Maverick: Hey, look, if it’s that easy to get your goat, Dekker, how are you gonna keep your cool in the field?
Dekker: You space jocks all stick together, that’s right. I’ll remember that the next time I’m out there risking my neck for you.
Maniac: I could have taken him.
Maverick: <snorts>
Maniac: What? C’mon!
Maverick: Hey, now. Will you please…
Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: Lieutenant. Everybody here? All right.
Vice Admiral Wilford
Wilford: Colonel, I’m here in the Circe System, commanding the fleet action. Circe V, some of the bloodiest fighting I’ve seen since Repleetah days. There are a number of fires to put out here.
Maverick: Ready to review ’em, Admiral.
Wilford: The mercs have launched a tank offensive. Their target is the legal government’s northern climactic control centre, which keeps the planet’s polar ice cap in check. Now, destroying the complex will trigger massive floods. On Circe VII, we’re evacuating an island continent because of a chemical air strike launched there. Now, some of our ships are too large to land on the planet’s surface. So we’re using shuttles to bring people to them, and these need air cover. Finally, there seems to be a concentration of enemy activity near a particular jump point, but it isn’t clear what’s going on there. I’m downloading mission specifics and a pre-recorded briefing for each operation. I’ll leave you to size up the tactical situation, Colonel, and make the decision on how to proceed. Good luck.
[Shut down tank offensive.]
Wilford: Once you reach planetary orbit, you can head down to the surface for your attack. Shutting down the ground assault on Circe V will require maximum fire-power. Keep that control installation from being overrun. Wilford out.
Maverick: Okay, let’s do it.
Stop the mercenary ground assault on the climate control centre. You must ensure its safety by destroying all enemy tanks in the area.
Fly Circe A
Descent to Circe V
Control Centre: We owe you big time, Colonel. Thank you.
Ascent from Circe V
[Cover transport boarding.]
Wilford: Since there are so many people to move, we’re using frigates in the Circe VII evacuation. Now, these large vessels cannot land on the planet’s surface, so we’ve devised a shuttling procedure to get the refugees up to them. Now, these shuttles are, obviously, quite vulnerable going up and down that sub-orbital thread. We’d like you to cover their movement. These people have had enough problems without the enemy taking pot shots at them.
Maverick: Go to it, folks.
Refugee shuttles from Circe VII need to be escorted to Border Worlds frigates. Rendezvous with each group of shuttles at the area above the planet and guard them as you proceed to the frigates.
Fly Circe B
Shuttles ascend from Circe VII
Shuttle: Greetings, Colonel.
Link established, entering escort pattern.
Thanks for the escort, Colonel.
Shuttle: Good to see you, Colonel.
Confirming autopilot link. Entering escort pattern.
Thanks for the cover, Colonel.
Shuttle: Howdy, Colonel.
Link-up confirmed, proceed with autopilot.
Thanks for the escort, Colonel.
[Search and destroy.]
Wilford: These particular waypoints – leading to a jump-point – have witnessed a concentration of enemy activity. Now, our data is sketchy at best: it isn’t clear what’s out there, but they’re moving around a lot. So, be on the alert for bogies at every point. And if you find them, hurt them. There’s no excuse for their crimes.
Maverick: Time to earn our pay.
Enemy activity has been detected near a jump point. Seek out and destroy all enemy fighters within your navigation route.
Fly Circe C
If Maverick let Dekker punch Maniac, the next time Maniac is a wingman:
Maniac: I’m flying ‘safe-and-sane’ just for you, Colonel. Did you really think I’d forget how you let Dekker show me up?
Sosa: Ah! Great work, Colonel. You’re cleared. (Success)
Ah. Better luck next time, sir. You’re clear. (Failure)

Circe 2

Storage Hold, BWS Intrepid.
Panther: Just the man I wanted to see.
Maverick: Well. So what’s on your mind, Panther?
Panther: Your friend – the one with the over-active glands.
Maverick: <sigh> Maniac.
Panther: He seems to have a hard time understanding the words “no” and “not interested”. Do you get my meaning?
Maverick: Knowing Maniac, I think I do.
Panther: Well, if you don’t do anything about it, I will. And my way will hurt a lot more.
[Tempting, but I can’t let that happen.]
Maverick: All right, I’ll talk to him. Not that it’s done much good in the past.
Panther: I wouldn’t wait too long if I were you. I’m getting ready to use him for target practice.
Maverick: Well, I would like to avoid bloodshed if we could. I’ll get on it.
[Maniac’s on his own.]
Maverick: <chuckles> Come on, Colonel. I think it’ll mean a lot more coming from you.
Panther: Fair warning then.
Fly Circe A | Circe B | Circe C
Sosa: Ah! Great work, Colonel. You’re cleared. (Success)
Ah. Better luck next time, sir. You’re clear. (Failure)

Circe 3

Remained with the Confederation in Masa system:
Hangar Bay, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: What is this?
Pliers: One of our MIPs.
Maverick: MIPs?
Manned Insertion Pod
Pliers: Manned Insertion Pod… a little gimmick I stole about a year ago from some Confed testing site when no one was lookin’.
Maverick: Never heard of it.
Pliers: ’course not. Takes them guys for ever to release new technology, with all their red tape about safety and such.
Maverick: Definitely not for claustrophobic types.
Pliers: Oh, it’s a snug fit. But it’s just the thing for squeezin’ folks into a spot where a shuttle might be too big, or attract too much attention. See that? Latches right onto the target and laser cuts a hole so the guy inside can crawl right through.
Maverick: Lock and launch procedure?
Pliers: Just like firin’ an ImRec. ’course the fella in there has got to release the safety first. And he’s pretty much on his own with minimal steerage.
Maverick: Minimal?
Pliers: Enough to dock at the target, and then fly back out to where you can tractor him in. And it gets pulled right back to one of your hard points, so you can fire it again if you need to.
Galley, BWS Intrepid.
Maniac: Anyway, I fire a couple of missiles way over their heads, right? So they think I just can’t aim. Then, when I got my last heat seeker – BAM! They never know what hit ’em. They think it’s an accident.
Maverick: Yeah! Probably ’cause it was an accident.
Maniac: Excuse me – the boy is trying to learn ways to break out of the pack. You know, to find an edge. Now, he can learn to fly with shields up like grandma by listening to you. Or he could push the envelope a little bit.
Maverick: <chuckles> The only envelope you’ve ever pushed is the one addressed to common sense.
Catscratch: Well, he… he does have quite a kill score, sir.
Maverick: Maniac leads a charmed life. There’s one on every ship, but only one. Relying on luck, like he does, is a poor way to reach old age.
Maniac: There you have it, kid. You can reach old age – like a certain someone we know – and um… maybe get yourself a gold watch. Or, you can fly the stick with a little style, huh, little ’tude, and make a name for yourself. Tough call.
Maverick: But the choice is yours, Catscratch. Want your name on a gold watch… or a coffin?
Maniac: You gonna finish that?
Catscratch: Um… no.
Maniac: Really? What is that stuff?
Catscratch: I don’t know.
Combat Information Centre, BWS Intrepid.
Sosa: Sir, I think you’re going to find this very interesting.
Circean: Colonel, I just want to tell you how much your efforts have meant to all of us here in Circe.
Maverick: Just doing our duty. I’ll pass your thanks on to the crew.
Circean: Oh, we have something else we’d like to offer you. During the Kilrathi War, we built a pretty extensive eavesdropping web around the outer edges of this system. This civil war has narrowed our focus greatly, so there’s been little time to process what the web’s picked up: it’s mostly been archived. Parsing this encrypted stuff isn’t a priority for us, but maybe you’ll find some use for it. It’s a hefty data-squirt, Lieutenant. Hope you have the bandwidth.
Sosa: Oh, yes! Open the floodgates.
Maverick: Keep me posted on this.
Sosa: Yes, sir.
Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: Good. Oh, great.
Vice Admiral Wilford
Wilford: Colonel, I’m going to take you away from your missions list. Now, we believe we’ve discovered the enemy’s main supply route. Now, since the Circean government is planning a new offensive as we speak, it’ll do a lot of good if you can shut down this supply line now. Here’s the nav-map.
Maniac: Right through a nebula!
Wilford: Now, that’s why we haven’t been able to find it till now. Convoys have been passing through there like clockwork.
Maverick: It’s time to cut it off.
Wilford: Chop it into little pieces, Colonel. Oh, one other thing. We’re picking up some very odd red-shift signals from a small artificial satellite circling the sixth planet. Now, we’d like to pluck this thing out of its orbit – take a closer look at it. Good luck.
Maverick: Who wants to tractor in that satellite?
Catscratch: I’ll volunteer for that one, sir.
Maverick: Any other takers? All right, Catscratch, looks like you get the milk run. Let’s go, people.
Confed’s main supply route has been detected. Take a wingman and destroy every transport in their convoy.
Fly Circe 3
Sosa: Sir! Sir, Catscratch is in big trouble. He’s recovered the satellite, but the enemy’s tracked him down and leeched his craft. He’s a sitting duck, sir!
Wingman: What do you say, Colonel? We going to scrub our original mission?
What’s it gonna be, sir? Are the mission objectives 86d?
Maverick: Can’t let the kid die. We’re going after him.
Sosa: All right. I’m downloading a new nav map to you, sir.
Fly Circe 3a
Catscratch: If you guys clear out some of these bogies, I can eject!
Wingman: Colonel, if he ejects, we can demolish his ship. The enemy won’t ever get their satellite back then.
Catscratch: Ejecting now, Colonel!
Flying a Banshee:
Sosa: Okay, you gotta cover him, sir! I’m sending out a ship to tractor him in.
Sosa: You’re cleared, sir, and… thank you… Thank you, from the bottom of my heart.
Catscratch: I do this for the Border Worlds, and for Velina Sosa.
Sosa: You’re clear, sir.
Next: Circe 4
Maverick: We’ve got to finish what we started. The mission’s too important. Sorry, but the kid will have to fend for himself.
Wingman: Roger that, sir.
Fly Circe 3b
Sosa: Let me play you a recording, sir.
Catscratch: I do this for the Border Worlds, and for Velina Sosa.
Sosa: He went down with his ship, sir. He, um… he gave everything. You have clearance.

Circe 4

Circe 3a success:
Launch Deck, BWS Intrepid.
Maniac: Hey! Hey! Get over here! Get over here! What did I say?
Catscratch: Well, I– I…
Maniac: No, what did I tell you to…?
Catscratch: I’m really sorry, sir.
Maverick: I just want to know how you got in that predicament – it was supposed to be a milk run.
Catscratch: I suppose I got a little too clever, sir. I fired off a coupla missiles as decoys like Maniac was talking about, only I… I missed when it really counted, sir.
Maverick: I should have known. If I ever hear you handing out advice again, I will personally put a big red bull’s-eye on your back and declare it open season.
Maniac: Hey, I didn’t tell him he should do any of that stuff.
Maverick: And while we’re at it, Panther’s about ready to perform some below-the-belt surgery on you unless you can keep your testosterone levels in check.
Maniac: Well, I…
Maverick: Let me tell you something: there’s a lower butt-head tolerance around here, old buddy. You’d better get with the program.
Maniac: I’ll check with you later.
Maverick: You know that stunt cost us – cost the Border Worlds – quite a lot.
Catscratch: I’m really sorry, sir.
Maverick: If we weren’t so desperate for pilots, I’d ground you in a minute, but… consider yourself on probation… for the rest of the decade.
Circe 3a failure, or flew Circe 3b:
Launch Deck, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: There’s something particularly cruel, when combat takes the life of someone… so young. In this strange war we fight – which doesn’t yet have a name – some may think that Catscratch will be forgotten. They’re wrong. He’ll stay in our hearts, always.
Control Bay, BWS Intrepid.
Pliers: Hey, got some good news, kid.
Maverick: I can always use some of that.
Pliers: Your Kilrathi pals were pretty helpful with my cloaker gadget.
Maverick: You got it working?
Pliers: Yeah, the cats showed me how to get some extra charges outta the crystal that runs it. Problem is, I only got one of them crystals left, so you can forget about having a wingman along. Flying next to a guy who ain’t cloaked kinda defeats the purpose anyway, right? And, of course, the crystal is still gonna burn out sooner or later – hopefully later. Personally, I’d like to see us raiding those mines where they dig up those crystals, but they’re pretty deep in Confed territory. Anyway, care to run with it kid?
[Who needs wingmen?]
Maverick: Make me invisible, Pliers.
Pliers: Your wish is my command, kid.
[I prefer a wingman.]
Maverick: Sorry, Pliers. If I can’t depend on it lasting for enough time, then getting stuck with no wingman to cover for me… I don’t think so.
Pliers: That’s the thanks I get for all my hard work.
Circe 3a failure:
Upper Galley, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: How ya doing?
Sosa: He… uh… he didn’t deserve to die.
Maverick: Nobody does – especially him.
Sosa: I know you tried – but…
Maverick: You wonder if I could have done more, so do I. It’s a question I’m going to be asking myself for a long, long time.
Sosa: He’s out there… along with my heart… both nothing more than space dust. People fly through it every day: they don’t even know it.
Maverick: During the last war I… I lost a loved one too. Matter of fact, I even punched out an old friend because of it. So if it makes you feel any better – go ahead.
Sosa: Go away… please.
Circe 3b:
Upper Galley, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: How ya doing?
Sosa: He went the distance for you, but you wouldn’t do the same for him.
Maverick: He would have understood.
Sosa: He put a lot of faith in you: blind faith.
Maverick: Careful, Lieutenant.
Sosa: Or what? You’ll punish me? What else can you really do? He’s out there – along with my heart – both nothing more than… space dust! People fly through it every day and don’t even know it.
Maverick: During the last war I… I lost a loved one too. Matter of fact, I even punched out an old friend because of it. So if it makes you feel any better – go ahead.
Sosa: Go away.
Combat Information Centre, BWS Intrepid.
Weary Pilots…
Maverick: 46 hours.
Hawk: 46! It’s only been 20 for me.
Maverick: What?
Hawk: Since I slept.
Maverick: No, I’m talking about how long it’s been since Captain Eisen left. He hasn’t sent a trans, has he?
Panther: Not a glitch… Hope he makes it.
Maverick: Boy, for our sake, I hope he does too. I get the feeling that data he’s carrying ain’t gonna cut it.
Hawk: Yeah, it’s really thin.
Panther: But he’ll be able to argue his case convincingly.
Maverick: Yeah? What if he argues in front of the wrong people?
Panther: What do you mean?
Maverick: Look, Confed’s a much bigger machine than any of us can possibly imagine. That bastard Seether – and whoever he’s working with – can marshal incredible resources.
Hawk: Sure: mercenaries, pirates, Confed craft, our craft…
Panther: The unmarked ships.
Maverick: Yeah. All without the rest of Confed even knowing about it.
Panther: And, meanwhile, we come off looking like the bad guys.
Hawk: You get pushed, you push back.
Maverick: Uh huh – giving them legitimate cause to gear up for an all-out war.
Panther: The Assembly votes in 5 days…
Maverick: Yeah, and they haven’t got a clue as to what’s really going down…
Panther: Okay, so tell me… How does our little boat fit in?
[There’s always hope…]
Maverick: We just gotta hope that Eisen gets to the right people.
[We die trying…]
Maverick: We get ready for the fight of our lives.
Hawk: Roger that.
Maverick: Thanks.
Flew Circe 3a:
Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: Okay, good. Colonel. <sigh> All right, Lieutenant.
Sosa: I’ve given the Admiral a report of what occurred during the last mission, sir. Now, his response notes that the enemy pipeline is still flowing.
Maverick: <sigh> So it still needs shutting down.
Panther: It’s hard to beat the bad guys when they keep getting their supplies.
Sosa: Well, however, an enemy command-and-control centre has been located underground on Circe V. The Admiral’s giving you the option of delivering Lieutenant Colonel Dekker and his men for a precision strike.
Dekker: I’ve studied the schematics: if you can get us down there, we’ll need a few minutes to plant an implosion device that’ll turn the place into rubble.
Maverick: Well, it’s behind enemy lines, so a shuttle’s out of the question.
Hawk: Makes you wish you could fly invisible.
Maverick: We have to use the insertion pods.
Sosa: The Admiral stated that he’s got other Marines in the fleet who can handle this, so he requests that you make the call as to which operation makes the best use of the Intrepid’s resources, sir.
[Shut down the supply line.]
Maverick: <sigh> I don’t like starting something I can’t finish. Besides, we’ll contribute more to the offensive if we cut off the enemy’s supply line. Let’s go.
The Confed supply line is still operational, since it was bypassed in the last mission. Fly to the NAV point and destroy all enemy ships.
Fly Circe 4a
[Send Dekker in.]
Maverick: Let’s go for the heart: we’ll deliver Dekker and his men down there and back. Let’s go.
The Confed command-and-control centre is the primary target. With the Marines in MIPs, launch them towards the underground base so they can plant their explosives. Provide cover for them during their mission, then tractor them back on to your ship after they have destroyed the command centre. Use the rear view (F4) key to get to the rear turret. Use the ‘G’ key to switch to the tractor beam.
Fly Circe 4b
Flew Circe 3b:
Chart Room, BWS Intrepid.
Maverick: Okay, good. Colonel. <sigh> All right, Lieutenant.
Sosa: I’ve, um… I’ve given Admiral Wilford a report… of our progress. He informed me that an enemy command-and-control centre has been located underground on Circe V. The mission is to deliver Lieutenant Colonel Dekker and his men for a precision strike, sir.
Dekker: I’ve studied the schematics: if you can get us down there, we’ll need a few minutes to plant an implosion device that’ll turn the place into rubble.
Maverick: Oh boy, it’s behind enemy lines, so a shuttle’s out of the question.
Hawk: Makes you wish you could fly invisible.
Maverick: We’ll use the insertion pods to deliver Dekker and his men down there and back. All right, let’s go.
The Confed command-and-control centre is the primary target. With the Marines in MIPs, launch them towards the underground base so they can plant their explosives. Provide cover for them during their mission, then tractor them back on to your ship after they have destroyed the command centre. Use the rear view (F4) key to get to the rear turret. Use the ‘G’ key to switch to the tractor beam.
Fly Circe 4b
Pliers: Cloaker’s ready to go. You’re clear for take-off, kid. (Circe 4a)
MIPs are secured. Cloaker’s ready to go. You’re clear for take-off, kid. (Circe 4b)
Pliers: Sorry, Colonel – that crystal just burns out too fast. Suppose it’s back to the drawing board. (Cloak)
Circe 4b:
Descent to Circe V
Dekker: It’s a cake-walk, Colonel, I’ll be done here in 60 seconds.
I need two more minutes, sir. They’re puttin’ up a fight here.
It’s bad down here, boss, you gotta buy me three more minutes.
I need more time, boss. Bet you thought I forgot how you stood up for Maniac, huh? (Maverick stopped Dekker from punching Maniac)
We’re all done down here, boss. We’re launching the pods. Come and get us before this place goes boom. (Success)
Can’t do it, boss! Security’s spotted us – we’re getting out. Come and get us! (Failure)
Ascent from Circe V
Vice Admiral Wilford
Wilford: Colonel, we’ve got an urgent situation: Intelligence reports an extraordinary Confed ship in your vicinity, with a top-secret cargo that could be highly critical to our efforts. It’s imperative that you disable and take control of this vessel. Repeat: Disable. Do not destroy it. We need what’s on that ship.
Circe 4a:
Sosa: All right, I’m downloading the new nav point for you and we’re sending Dekker and his men in a shuttle. Also – that Circean web data? – it contained Confed IFF codes! Should I download those to you now, sir?
Circe 4b:
Sosa: All right, I’m downloading the new nav point for you. <static> Also – that Circean web data? – it contained Confed IFF codes! Should I download those to you now, sir?
Wingman: Those codes could be very helpful, Colonel.
  1. Sounds like a good idea, Sosa. Download IFF codes.
  2. Negative.
Circe 4a:
Dekker: We’re in, boss. Just keep those bogies away from me while I do my thing.
I need more time, boss. Bet you thought I forgot how you stood up for Maniac, huh? (Maverick stopped Dekker from punching Maniac)
We’re in control here. Looks like we’ve just bagged something very special, boss. (Success)
Circe 4b:
Dekker: Fire us in there, boss.
We’re in, boss. Just keep those bogies away from me while I do my thing.
We’re in control here. Looks like we’ve just bagged something very special, boss. (Success)
Catscratch alive:
Sosa: Good to have you back, sir. We’re shuttling pilots out to collect what’s in that capship. You’re cleared.
Catscratch dead:
Sosa: Clearance, Colonel. We’re shuttling pilots out to collect what’s in that capship.
Transport captured: Telamon System
Sosa: Mayday, Colonel! The Intrepid’s come under heavy attack. Confed ships are swarming all over us. Look, we’ve been hit hard – we’re going down!
Sosa: Mayday! Mayday! Situation critical! We require assistance! <static>
Prison Cell
Miles: The famous hero of the Kilrathi War, also known as “The Heart of the Tiger”, was convicted of treason against the Confederation. No appeal will be allowed.
Soldier: Blindfold?
Maverick: No.
Soldier: Ready. Aim. Fire!

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