version 2.6.5

Wing Commander Secret Ops: Proxima System

Episode Seven: ‘Finishing Stroke’
Proxima System
Somewhere near the Enyo Nexus…

Nephilim Convoy

Proxima 9.GD – Evasive Recon Patrol
Proxima 0.AA – Reconnaissance Patrol

ICIS: Cerberus has entered the Proxima system. This is the heart of alien operations in the Vega sector. Our purpose is to control the aliens’ stellar-accretion device and thereby keep them from opening a new gate. To do this, we must command Proxima system. Patrol these NAV points and eliminate all enemy forces you encounter. Return to Cerberus for further briefing.
Fly Proxima 9.GD | Proxima 0.AA
Maestro: Okay, we’ll need cover, people. Don’t let us die.
Stiletto: All available pilots: Cover my wing.
Zero: It’s your turn, we’ve got you covered.
Maestro: Acknowledged. We’ll take it from here.
Stiletto: Roger. Manoeuvring for position.
Cerberus: Nice work, Alpha One. You’re clear to land.
Next: Proxima 5.HR | Proxima 4.XX

Proxima 5.HR – Midpoint Assault
Proxima 4.XX – Midpoint Arrival

ICIS: The stellar-accretion device is supported by a large carrier force near the midpoint of Proxima system. To launch the proper offensive, Cerberus will require escort to this midpoint. Confederate craft from Krieger/Sirius system will reinforce our assault on this carrier group. Escort Cerberus along this NAV route and eliminate all alien forces.
Fly Proxima 5.HR | Proxima 4.XX
Proxima 4.XX:
Amazon: Glad to see you.
Spyder: About time you showed up…
Arkhangelsk/Adelaide: It’s good to see some friendly faces out here.
Cerberus: Nice work, Alpha One. You’re clear to land.

Proxima 6.KL – Alien Science Crew

Cerberus: All pilots report to the flight deck immediately. This is not a drill. Repeat: All pilots report to the flight deck.
Fly Proxima 6.KL
Cerberus: We’ve got momentum, people! Let’s not lose it! Take down the carrier, her fighters, her transports, her friends, her family… everything!
Spyder: All fighters: Let’s clean off those turrets.
We’ve got ya covered.
Arkhangelsk/Adelaide: Launching bombers!
Maestro: Could you please scrape those blasted turrets off the capship, please?!
Arkhangelsk/Adelaide: Launching bombers!
Maestro: I’ve been wondering, what do you think might have happened to Dekker and his people when they went aboard the alien craft? You think they got infected with the virus? They did do a lot of tinkering around…
Spyder: They should be fine. Intel believes that the disease is only related to alien cap vessels that are dead. The organic make-up of the alien hull begins to decay once the main power plant is shut down. This decay is the birth-place of the disease. Micro-organisms from within the structure begin to eat the ship’s armour.
Maestro: I see.
Cerberus: Nice work, Alpha One. You’re clear to land.

Proxima 7.FY – Star Smasher

ICIS: Intel Science Division believes that complete destruction of the device may lead to dangerous long-term effects in Proxima. Your goal is to remove the alien presence without eliminating the device. Follow this NAV route to the aliens’ staging ground. Clear the area of all hostile craft and await arrival of Cerberus.
Fly Proxima 7.FY
Zero: So, here we go again! Good luck, people! This ain’t going to be easy.
Spyder: If we don’t make it, I want everyone to know that it has been an honour to serve with you.
Maestro: Man! Lighten up, Spyder! We’re not going to die! We’re going to win!
Zero: Hey, Maestro, if you die, can we pick through your stuff before we head back to Sol?
Maestro: You can burn in hell.
Spyder: Whenever you’re ready, Casey. I think the team is pretty warmed up!
Cerberus: You must take down the alien command ship! Hurry!
The device is warming up, guys! The command ship is in direct control over it! Knock out the ship and we’ll be good to go!
Win-Win Ending:
Cerberus: Yeah! That baby’s ours! Congratulations, folks! You’re clear to land!
Win-Win Ending
Cavazos: Admiral! Good to see you. I’m anxious to hear your report.
Rayak: Impeccable first duty, sir! The ace pilots from Midway kept Cerberus safe through the duration. As of 04:22, the alien infestation has been completely erased from Confed territory. Proxima is intact and the remains of the wormhole technology await our inspection.
Cavazos: I see. Thank you for your report, Admiral. Have the Midway pilots returned to their home base. I have new orders for Cerberus. CIS command will take the reins from here.
Rayak: Thank you, sir.
Cavazos: Dismissed. Have a nice flight.
Win-Lose Ending:
Cerberus: The device was not supposed blow up, guys. Now, we have no way of repairing the damage to Proxima! LAND!
Win-Lose Ending
Cavazos: Admiral! Good to see you. I’m anxious to hear your report.
Rayak: Cerberus will need serious repairs. I recommend we send her down to Jupiter base as soon as possible. The pilots from Midway turned out to be less heroic than we anticipated. Somehow, during the fire-fight in central Proxima, the aliens’ accretion device got destroyed. Without being able to reverse-engineer this technology, we may never get Proxima system back to normal.
Cavazos: I see. Thank you for your report, Admiral. Have the Midway pilots returned to their home base. I have new orders for Cerberus. CIS command will take the reins from here.
Rayak: Thank you, sir.
Cavazos: Dismissed. Have a nice flight.
Lose-Lose Ending:
Cerberus: Oh… my… <sigh> That’s it people. It’s all over. There is a tiny red capsule in the zippered compartment beneath your O2 connectors. Take it and go to sleep.
Lose-Lose Ending
Cavazos: Admiral! Good to see you. I’m anxious to hear your report.
Rayak: I have no time to explain! We have to get you out of here!
Cavazos: They couldn’t have reached Earth already…
Rayak: Please! Follow me! We have a shuttle to catch right away. General Daniels will explain when we get you aboard the shuttle.
(Computer: All officers and administrative staff…)
Rayak: Again, sir! We have no time!
(Computer: …repeat: evacuate now. This is a general alert. All officers and administrative staff must evacuate now. Repeat: evacuate now…)

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