version 2.6.5

Wing Commander III: Locanda System

Locanda 1

Bridge, Kilrathi Dreadnought.
Kilrathi Dreadnought
Thrakhath: Tell me this system continues to be worth raiding. I fail to see it.
Melek: The natural resources are utterly depleted. It remains a source of slave labour, but the population has never been particularly malleable.
Thrakhath: Slaves we have no shortage of. The Terrans want this system – they shall have it.
Melek: Nevertheless, my liege, I bristle at the thought of… they will call it… Oh, what is that strange word they have?
Thrakhath: ‘Surrender.’ No, it is not that. This system shall serve as a message to the apes. Since it is no longer of use to us, we shall render it useless to them as well…
Melek: As always, my liege… a wise choice.
Maverick declined or lost Flash’s challenge:
TCS Victory, Locanda System.
Flash: I’ll be moving on to greener pastures, Colonel. I wish I could say it’s been fun.
Berths, TCS Victory.
Cobra: Colonel. You know the Kilrathi may be using bio-weapons here?
Maverick: First I’ve heard of it.
Cobra: Kilrathi’s been preparing these kinds of weapons for years. If they’re not deployed here, they will be somewhere else.
Maverick: Do you mind telling me how it is you know so much about the Kilrathi?
Cobra: It doesn’t matter if you believe me.
[She knows something…]
Maverick: Well, that’s where you’re wrong. It does matter. It’s just that someday I’d like to get the rest of the story.
[Ah, she’s full of it…]
Maverick: It’s hard for me to believe someone I know so little about.
Gunnery Control, TCS Victory.
Maverick: I flew here once. A lot of places to hide in this system. This your first time?
Flint: This is my home system. My father taught me everything he knew about flying here. He’d been planning to pass it all on to my brother, but… the Kilrathi had other plans.
Maverick: I’m sorry.
Flint: That’s all right. Everyone’s lost someone, right? They don’t give you medals for it.
Maverick: You haven’t been back since?
Flint: <shakes head>
Maverick: Which one was home?
Flint: That one.
Flint: It was a beautiful world. Dark purple nights and burnt moons that chased each other across the sky. The insects would sing – different serenades, depending on how close the moons were. My brother and I would stay up, listening… Do you remember the time before the war?
Maverick: I don’t let myself.
Flint: Sir, I have scores to settle here. I can’t be on the sidelines for these engagements. I need to be part of what goes down.
[Give her a shot…]
Maverick: Flint… when you fly, are you gonna be my wingman, or your brother’s wingman?
[I can’t risk it with her…]
Maverick: Listen… I’m not sure I can afford to put you and your dead brother on my wing.
Flight Control, TCS Victory.
Flash: Colonel. I’d like to apologise for some of the things I said.
Maverick: Some?
Flash: Well… I still think I could have beat you two out of three.
Maverick: Care to go at it again?
Flash: No. From now on, I’ll prove it to you out there. That is if you think I’m good enough to be your wingman.
Maverick: You’re on the roster. You’ll get your shot, same as everyone.
Flash: Thank you.
Briefing Room, TCS Victory.
Briefing Room
Eisen: Let’s get down to business, shall we?
Maverick: I’m ready, sir.
Eisen: The Kilrathi intentions in this area remain unclear. While we continue to gather intelligence, your task will be to corral the cats wherever possible. We wish, particularly, to shut off their access to the populated planets and this asteroid field. Let’s try to put these Kilrathi raiders out of business permanently.
Maverick: Ready to go, sir.
Eisen: I like that enthusiasm. Dismissed.
Fly Locanda 1
Fireclaw: You are worth less than the dung on Rikar 3!
Fight, you scum!
You dare to battle with me?
You puny, furless freak!
Why waste time with your manoeuvres, Terran? Your death is imminent!
Ahhh! Aaaah! Aaaah! I am slain…
Flint wingman:
Rollins: Ahh, feels great kicking some furry butt in this system! We’re moving on to Locanda IV – Intel says the Kilrathi presence there has increased. You’re clear to land. (Success)
Tough break, sir. But we’re all gonna get another chance: the Victory’s moving on to Locanda IV – Intel says the neighbourhood’s full of kitties. You’re clear to land. (Failure)
Flint not wingman:
Rollins: Ahh, feels great kicking some furry butt in this system! We’re moving on to Locanda IV – Intel says the Kilrathi presence there has increased. Hey, sir, I’m getting reports that Flint was a little wild out there. She been picking up pointers from ole Maniac, huh? <laughs> At any rate, you’re clear to land. (Mmm hmm…) (Success)
Ah, tough break, sir. But we’re all gonna get another chance: the Victory’s moving on to Locanda IV, and Intel says the neighbourhood’s full of kitties. Hey, sir – I’m getting reports that Flint was a little wild out there. She been picking up pointers from ole Maniac? At any rate, you have clearance. (Failure)

Locanda 2

Rec Room, TCS Victory.
Vagabond: You’ve been in these parts before, right? Word is the Kilrathi have bled this system pretty dry over the years.
Maverick: Locanda’s always been hotly contested.
Vagabond: Few months ago, I heard stories about some backwater system the Kilrathi had under siege for months. But after they cleaned it out, they didn’t just move on. The dusted it with some new biological weapon. The whole system’s supposedly a total bio-hazmat. Really ugly. No one can get near it. Rumour has it Confed’s quarantined that system – nobody even talks about it.
[He might be right…]
Maverick: Nothing the cats do surprises me any more. But if we do our job right, we won’t have to worry about that kind of thing.
[Ah, there’s nothing to worry about…]
Maverick: Rollins has been running off at the mouth again, hasn’t he? A Kilrathi bio-weapon? It’s a fairy tale.
Gunnery Control, TCS Victory.
Hobbes: I used to raid these planets.
Maverick: Yeah, I know.
Hobbes: It puzzles me, these reports that the Kilrathi are… surrendering the system. Surrender… Though I know the word in your language, I still fail in truly grasping it. I cannot guess at all what my one-time comrades might do. And Kilrathi are most dangerous, when they are unpredictable.
Briefing Room, TCS Victory.
Briefing Room
Eisen: Let’s get started, Colonel.
Maverick: Yes, sir.
Eisen: We’ve still got more questions than answers on Kilrathi operations here. Some of the Kilrathi forces are pulling out, though other elements are closing in on Locanda IV. Intel thinks they’ve got warheads tipped with a new kind of bio-weapon, capable of spreading a pandemic over the whole planet within minutes. If Intel’s correct, the half-life of this virus is over 500 years. Colonel… we can’t let a single warhead slip through and strike the planet. If the warhead’s bio, the civilians on Locanda IV will… well, they’ll die slow deaths from a ravaging disease, and all we’ll be able to do is pull out of here as fast as we can. Good luck, son.
Fly Locanda 2
Rollins: Sir, they’re gonna be naming babies after you on Locanda IV! While you were out there, Intel did confirm that the Kilrathi warhead load-outs were bio-haz in nature. You’re cleared– oh, wait a minute, sir: Captain Eisen’s on the comm–
Eisen: Colonel, we got a situation in the lunar outreaches of Locanda IV… Lieutenant Robin Peters has ignored our return-to-ship orders. She’s gone renegade. Appears to be pursuing her own private war. Can you risk bringing her back?
Rollins: Colonel, we’re still waiting for confirmation on the spread of the pandemic. All I know is we better bug outta here before we’re all infected. You’re cleared– oh, wait a minute: Captain’s on the comm–
Eisen: Colonel, we don’t have the luxury of mourning Locanda IV just now. Lieutenant Robin Peters has ignored our return-to-ship orders. She’s gone renegade. Appears to be pursuing her own private war. Can you risk bringing her back?
Maverick: I’m going after her, Captain.
Next: Locanda 3
Maverick: I can’t. I’ll be lucky to land this thing.
Eisen: Well, then don’t delay, Colonel, you have clearance.
All biological warheads destroyed: Blackmane System
Locanda IV lost: Blackmane System (Losing Track)

Locanda 3

Fly Locanda 3
Rollins: <applauds> Congratulations on roping her in, sir. First a whole planet, and then a pilot. I’d give you a promotion if I could. You’re cleared, Colonel. (Locanda 2 success)
Congratulations on roping her in, sir. You’re cleared to land, and you better make it quick, that Kilrathi pandemic is spreading fast and we’re jumping out any second. (Locanda 2 failure)
Rollins: You’re not going to believe this, sir, Cobra was able to reel Flint in. Nevertheless, Captain Eisen expresses his appreciation for your attempt. You’re clear to land. (Locanda 2 success)
You’re not going to believe this, sir, Cobra was able to reel Flint in. You’re cleared to land, and you better make it quick, that Kilrathi pandemic is spreading fast and we’re jumping out any second. (Locanda 2 failure)
Flight Deck, TCS Victory.
Flint: You might have died out there, chasing after me.
Maverick: I might have.
Flint: I suppose the Captain ordered you–
Maverick: No. That was my call to make.
Flint: Well, I suppose I should be impressed. <sigh> I’m not very good at saying thank you.
Maverick: Hey, you’re welcome.
Flint: I want you to understand–
Cobra: You sure you’re okay?
Flint: Yeah. I’m sorry you had to come after me…
Cobra: Oh, forget it. Sometimes I feel the same way. I’d like to kill every one of those Kilrathi my own self. Take care of yourself, girl.
Maverick: Cobra’s a heck of a fighter…
Flint: She risked too much.
Maverick and Flint
Maverick: We don’t fly suicide missions. We fight this war to live, not to die. You’ve got to fly with your head, Flint. Not your heart.
Flint: You’ve never done that, sir? Fly with your heart?
Maverick: The day I do that, I expect a stiff dressing-down, mister. That’s an order.
Flint: Sir? My father didn’t read his children bedtime stories. He read to us from the regs manuals. I know there are certain actions necessary…
[Give her a break…]
Maverick: Book regs are not war regs. If this was peacetime I’d ground you faster than a tachyon. Now that’s an indulgence we can’t afford. But don’t make one of us come after you again.
Flint: That, sir, would be an indulgence…
[Ground her…]
Maverick: If every pilot pursues a private war, the Kilrathi triumph. Until further notice, you’re grounded.
All biological warheads destroyed: Blackmane System
Locanda IV lost: Blackmane System (Losing Track)
Victory Group Jump Sequence
Jumping to the Blackmane system.

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