version 2.6.5
Vega Sector Campaign: Chengdu System
Chengdu 1
Shotglass: So, Maverick. Here we are in the Chengdu system. Ever been to the planet Nanjing, before? Wonderful place. Not a single higher animal native to the planet. But it makes up for that with bugs… big ones. They got six-foot-long huntin’ insects in the forests. Colonists call ’em bugbears, and they stay clear of them. No idea why anyone’d settle here. They say there’s lots of hydrocarbons, but it just don’t seem worth it to me, with all them bugs!
Angel: Ah, bonjour, Captain. I have been reviewing our data on the Kilrathi starfighters. Our information indicates that in all cases, their side armour is weaker than that to the front or rear.
Spirit: Making it doubly foolish to close head on, into the enemy’s guns.
Angel: Indeed, mademoiselle. The best attack line would be from the flanks.
Spirit: Konichi-wa, honourable Captain. Captain Devereaux and I were just discussing the enemy’s shields. She was pointing out an excellent tactic I have used myself.
Angel: When tailing the enemy, it is good to fire several volleys of lasers, while keeping an eye on his shields in your targeting computer.
Spirit: Once your lasers have brought his shields down, then fire a heat-seeking missile to finish him.
Angel: Data indicates a missile is over twice as likely to destroy a fighter, if it hits when her shields are down.
Mission Briefing. Chengdu System, 06:00 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: We’ve got a Hornet coming in from patrol with four Krant on her tail. Maverick, you and Angel are going to go out and see that she gets back safe. It’s Valkyrie, of Yellow Jacket squadron, on her way back in. She’s got a fix on a Ralari-class destroyer in system, so it’s vital she get back to download her mission report. Computer, display Epsilon. Here’s the scenario. This is Valkyrie’s current position. She’s got a wing of four Krant on her tail. They’re within 20,000 klicks and closing. You’ll rendezvous with her, and cover her retreat back to the Claw. We need the data in her computer, so keep her safe. And remember, there’s at least one Ralari in this system, so stay alert out there. Questions, Maverick? Angel?
Maverick: No, sir. We’d better just get out there!
Halcyon: All right then, get to work. Squadron dismissed.
Mission Debriefing. 09:00 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: Good work protecting Valkyrie, you two. She just touched down. Tactical is downloading her mission report right now. We’ll have full information on that Ralari any minute.
Maverick: She won’t be giving us any trouble. We scattered her atoms across the system!
Halcyon: Excellent work, Maverick! I haven’t seen the mission report yet, so fill me in.
Maverick: I got 7 of the hairballs, sir, and Angel was blanked.
Halcyon: I see. That’ll be all then, dismissed.
Hangar Deck. 09:20 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: For meritorious conduct in confronting the Kilrathi enemy, in the Chengdu system, on or about 2654.135, the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Gold Star to Captain Blair. Your courage is exemplary of the Confederation’s finest defenders. Good job, Maverick. Congratulations.
Maverick: Thank you, sir.
Filled with pride, Maverick meets the applause of his fellows.
Chengdu 2
Shotglass: You hear what they’re sayin’ in Blue Devil Squadron? Word is, one of their boys ran into Dakhath on patrol yesterday. You know Dakhath, right? The Kilrathi ace that flies a Dralthi? He’s got 78 confirmed kills, countin’ fighters an’ capital ships. They say his name means ‘Deathstroke’ in Kilrathi, ’cause how he gets his jollies. He likes to shoot pilots who’ve ejected as they wait for a pick up.
Knight: So, Maverick. You’ve heard about that new fighter, the Rapier?
Maverick nods as he sips his drink.
Knight: I read that we’re getting the first Rapier squadron on active duty. Colonel’s already named the squadron Black Lion… I wonder who’ll be assigned to it?
Iceman: Lot of talk going around about this Dakhath guy. Well, don’t sweat that fuzzball too much.
Knight: Casey ran into Dakhath a couple of years ago, near Planck’s Star.
Iceman: Dakhath got his rep by shooting helpless men, but he’s not so tough if you’re still in your ship. Watch him when you’re on his tail. He likes to burn out with his afterburners, or he’ll try to get behind you with a kickstop.
Mission Briefing. Chengdu System, 09:50 hours, 2654.135. Ten minutes into the briefing…
Halcyon: Next up is Iota Wing, Maverick and Angel. We’ve got an Exeter-class destroyer that’s headed for Ymir system. You’ll fly escort as it heads for its jump point. Let’s take a look at the screen. Computer, display Iota. The jump point is here, at Nav 1. Look alert out there, as you may need to guide the destroyer. We have detected several asteroid fields in the area, and we believe there may be Kilrathi fighters nearby as well. Questions?
Angel: Oui, mon colonel. Is it safe to take an Exeter through such asteroids?
Halcyon: We’ve plotted a safe course through the asteroids for the Exeter, but you’ll need to be alert for ambush from among the debris. Ordinarily, we’d fly around the asteroids, but that destroyer has to be at Ymir too soon to allow the longer route. Anything else? All right, then. Squadron dismissed.
Mission Debriefing. 12:40 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: So the Exeter jumped out all right?
Maverick: Yes, sir. We ran into that Kilrathi ace, Dakhath, and a wing of Dralthi, but we held them off until the destroyer got away.
Halcyon: Dakhath, eh? I’d heard he might be in system. Good work, keeping him off the Exeter. What happened to him in the end?
Maverick: We got him, Colonel. Blew him to little bits.
Halcyon: Excellent! I’ll see that the brass hears about this! Well, let’s hit the numbers on the mission report. Recorder shows 7 Kilrathi destroyed by you, Maverick, and 3 for Angel. All right, then. Dismissed.
Hangar Deck. 13:00 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: For meritorious conduct in confronting the Kilrathi enemy, in the Chengdu system, on or about 2654.135, the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Bronze Star to Captain Blair. Your courage is exemplary of the Confederation’s finest defenders. Good job, Maverick. Congratulations.
Maverick: Thank you, sir.
Filled with pride, Maverick meets the applause of his fellows.
Chengdu 3
Shotglass: Knight tells me the Colonel’s movin’ you to Blue Devil Squadron. That’ll put you on a Scimitar, like I flew when I was your age. Darn fine ship in her day, though she looks a little outdated now. The Scimitar mounts a pair of mass driver cannons, instead of the Hornet’s lasers. They fire a lot farther than laser bolts, and hit with more punch, but the projectiles move a lot slower. That makes you use ’em closer up, in spite of the extra range. Still, those extra klicks are good against big, slow ships, like tankers.
Knight: Hey, Maverick, you hear about the new assignments? The Colonel said he’s moving you to a Scimitar in Blue Devil Squadron. Ever flown Scimitars before? I think you’re going to like them. A Scimitar isn’t quite as fast or nimble as a Hornet, but she’s got twice the armour, as well as heavier guns.
Iceman: And she handles like a Centaurian mud pig.
Knight: Iceman here’ll try to tell you speed and handling’ll save your butt, but I’ll take an extra three centimetres of durasteel plating any day!
Iceman: Maverick. They call me Iceman. Don’t let Knight here fool you about the Scimitar. It’s a gun-heavy slug. Forget finesse in a Scimitar. Just head straight in, guns blaring. Give me a ship that lets me use my skill. A Raptor, even a Hornet… or one of those new Rapiers! If half of what they say is true, the Rapier’s a true artist’s ship!
Emergency Briefing. Chengdu System, 13:20 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: Code Red alert, everyone. We’ve got six Kilrathi Gratha headed for the Tiger’s Claw. You Killer Bees are the only squadron available, so you will have to stop them before they can blow the Claw. They’ve already taken out one of the two Hornets flying guard, so we know they mean business. Maverick, you and Angel will be first to launch. Hunter and Redbird will take the next launch, then Maniac and Turtle, if they haven’t disabled the launch tube. Take this one personally, people. They’re after your ship this time. Now let’s get into space! Squadron dismissed!
Mission Debriefing. 16:20 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: Good job, Maverick. You and Angel really made the difference out there!
Maverick: Hunter deserves just as much credit, sir.
Angel: Oui, mon colonel. They were in space before the last four Gratha got here.
Halcyon: You people managed to turn the Gratha before Maniac could even launch! We’ve already got a mission report. You racked up 5, Maverick, and Angel got 1. I want to see you in my office later, Maverick.
Maverick: Yes, sir.
Halcyon: All right, then. Dismissed.
Colonel Halcyon’s Office. 16:50 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: Blair. Come in. I need to speak with you.
Maverick: Yes, sir?
Halcyon: We’ll be leaving Chengdu soon, and I need to make some personnel changes. Effective immediately following the jump, you’ll be reassigned. I want you in a Scimitar-class medium fighter, with Blue Devil Squadron.
Maverick: Yes, sir. You won’t be sorry.
Halcyon: Good. I’m glad to hear it. That’s all, then, Captain. Dismissed.
Hangar Deck. 17:00 hours, 2654.135.
Halcyon: For meritorious conduct in confronting the Kilrathi enemy, in the Chengdu system, on or about 2654.135, the Terran Confederation is proud to present the Silver Star to Captain Blair. Your courage is exemplary of the Confederation’s finest defenders. Good job, Maverick. Congratulations.
Maverick: Thank you, sir.
Filled with pride, Maverick meets the applause of his fellows.
Outside a Kilrathi Military Installation, Brimstone System.
As Kilrathi starships defeat the Terran Confederate fleet in space, Human commandos make a daring raid to sabotage the Kilrathi base. But their desperate mission fails when they are discovered by a patrol of Kilrathi soldiers!
Secret Missions 2: Crusade