version 2.6.5
Wing Commander Privateer: Sandra Goodin
A pilot laid this on me last week. She was three weeks out of New Detroit, off-lane, running silently, when she came in visual range of this incredible ship! It was massive, not Kilrathi, not Confed… and every instrument said it wasn’t there! She said she could see it, but it didn’t register on her scans. You believe her? I sure don’t.
Hey, what do you think the Kilrathi are up to? From what I hear, they’ve changed tactics again. Instead of their usual seek-and-destroy policy, it seems they’re asking some odd questions. They’re looking for a smuggler who has some unusual weapon they want. You don’t know anybody like that… do you?
Sandra Goodin
Goodin: I’m Captain Goodin, attaché to Admiral Terrell. We’ve been expecting you.
Burrows: And yet no cake? I’m crushed. Excuse my flippancy, but it’s not every day I have the honour of being arrested.
Goodin: You’re not under arrest. Though we have all the evidence we need. What does the word smuggler mean to you?
Burrows: It’s an antonym for plausible deniability. Sorry, Cap. I won’t say another word without my lawyer.
Goodin: Relax. I’m only here to extend an… invitation. You’ll proceed to Perry Naval Base, where the Admiral will interview you personally.
Burrows: Regarding…?
Goodin: Playing dumb, huh? Have it your way, then. We’ve traced a series of disappearing and destroyed ships to your movements. Looks like wherever you go, disaster follows. Tell me, are the Kilrathi paying you to test their secret weapon, or do you merely keep the plunder?
Burrows: I don’t know what you’re talking about, Cap.
Goodin: Well, you’ll have plenty of time to think about it, en route to Perry.
Burrows: And if I don’t want to go?
Goodin: You don’t have to. As I said, you’re not under arrest. But something out there has the hots for you. Something nasty. And if you really don’t know what it is – if you’re as much in the dark as we are – maybe we can help each other out. How about it?
Burrows: I’ll hear the Admiral out, Goodin. But I don’t like sleeping with the military.
Goodin: You don’t have to kiss us, just grit your teeth and close your eyes. Better get a move on. You never know what’s out there waiting for you…
Burrows: Sorry, but working with you military types makes me nervous. I’d rather tackle a monster than a bureaucracy.
Goodin: Red tape or blood, same colour either way. No skin off my nose. I’ll be here if you change your mind.
Goodin: Really, you’d be smart to head to Perry Naval Base at max speed. The Admiral wants your help in destroying that thing, whatever it is, and if you’ve got a brain in your head, you’ll co-operate. Will you meet him at Perry or not?
Burrows: I’ll hear the Admiral out, Goodin. But I don’t like sleeping with the military.
Goodin: You don’t have to kiss us, just grit your teeth and close your eyes. Better get a move on. You never know what’s out there waiting for you…
Burrows: Again, I’d rather deal with a monster than the military.
Goodin: Have it your way. I’ll be here if you change your mind.
Goodin: Look, I know you hate co-operating with ‘authority’, but Admiral Terrell is waiting for you at Perry Naval Base. Are you heading out, or not?
Burrows: Yeah, I suppose I might as well get it over and done with…
Speech Speech
Retro: Sinner! Ready thyself for righteous retribution! We know you possess high-level alien devices… machines of damnable intent! For adding to the technological burden of mankind, the Church of Man condemns you! In the moments left to you… repent!
- I’ll slow roast your guts!
- Retros tick me off!
- You’re making me very, very angry.
- Eat this, freak!
Admiral Terrell on Perry Naval Base